dimarts, 11 de maig del 2010


From my point of view I think I haven’t improved a lot, because when I began 1st batxillerat in 2007 I just had the same skill that I have now, it’s true that I’ve probably improved because I’ve had to do lots of entries in the blog, but in my opinion the level hasn’t changed a lot, because I don’t like work in the blog. It’s not that I don’t like, what it happens is that it’s an obligation for me, and when there’s something I have to do compulsory I do it badly, so my level hasn’t had the oportunity to improve because the work I’ve done it hadn’t been constant, I’ve always done the entries in the last days, so, in my opinion, my level hasn’t changed a lot.
Although it can seem that in some writings I’ve improved or I’ve decreased my level, it’s not true. My case is a strange one, I’m not a constant person, and depending on how I feel the day I had to work I did it better or worse.
What’s true is that I have improved in my orals, well, in fact I did it better in 1st batxillerat than in the two seconds, but this is because in 1st batxillerat I prepared them whereas now the only thing I did was making the Power Point and my orals were totally spontanious, without preparation. And what it really helped me was travell to London, this year I had to speak a lot because I was the only of my group with a minimum knowledge so I had to speak a lot.

The only aspect where I really think that I’ve improved is in listenings, I’ve always had problems in the listenings, it’s not that I had bad marks in the listenings but the average compared with the writings, the speakings or the readings was lower. I think it has helped a lot the fact that, apart from practicing, watching films in english. Firstly I did it in english with spanish or catalan subtitles, later with english subtitles and finally, without subtitles, and, as more films I watched better marks in listenings I had.

So, as I said, my improvements hasn’t come from things I’ve done in the blog, my improvements come from things I’ve done by pleaseure, or because there are things I like to do, as watching films.

Finally, I want to show an example of what has happened in my case, for example, my first letter to the teacher and my last composition, you will see that although the level could be a little bit lower in the first letter, it was more correct that my last writing, which has been the one with the worst mark I had in batxillerat.

dimarts, 4 de maig del 2010

3 News

The Black Vulture

This night in a bird center from Mollar de Dalt in the Pirineus a Black Vulture has born. This is the first time that a member of this specie is born in captivity here in Catalunya, so it’s a great new because this mean that experts are nearer to reintroduce the Black Vulture, which was extinguished since 1907, in our mountains.

Wolfs in the Prepirineus

Some weeks ago a wolf was seen in the Catalonian Prepirineus. Wolves had disappeared in Catalonia since the forties and fifties, and it wasn’t any programme to reintroduce it in our mountains, so this means that it probably was a wolf from the French Pirineus or from Navarra which has arrived to the Prepirineus in search of food.

Barça out of the Champions League

Two Tuesdays ago Barça went to Milan to play against Inter and the result was scary, Barça lost, the result of the the match finally was 3-1. It’s true that Barça didn’t deserve to win, because they played very bad, but Inter didn’t deserve to win for 3 goals, they has the referee with them.
Last Wednesday Inter came to the Camp Nou, it was one of the most expected matches of the season, but Inter played only defending, Barça needed two goals to pass to the final, but they only were able to make one. It was a pity because the finale was in Bernabeu’s field. But it doesn’t matter, there will be much more leagues to enjoy how Barça wins.

dimarts, 6 d’abril del 2010

divendres, 5 de març del 2010

"Gorgonas": The masters of fire

For some people when they hear the word "Gorgona" think in a mythologic monsters which looked lie a gelyfish, for other people this word doesn't mean anything, but for the cientific world, since now a Gorgona will be an extinted dinosaur which really had the abbility of producing fire.
During the 2007 a fossil of an extinted dinosaur which wasn't catalogated was found in Siberia under the glass. Well, the fact is that after repeating hundreds of times their investigations of the extinted animal, cientifics arrived to the conclusion that "gorgonas" were as an adult male african elefant size, their diet based in whatever they found of dead meat and they had the faculty of producing fire with their mouth closed to eliminated all the infections that the meat could have.
Well, since now when I think or read about dragons I'm not going to be so far from the reallity.

China: The new strongest country

Since the First World War or The Great War, and more sinde the Second World War the United States of Amercia had become the strongest country in the world, but now this could be changing, becoming a fact of the past, and we could have realised too late.
This wee the ONU has shown some informs written by its investigators which show that China has beeng spending for several years 17.000 millions of dollars in weapons and guns research, and that including its reserve troops (civils which have received millitary trainig and are prepared to fight in a war), China has a total of 600 million troops prepared to enter in combat when it appears the necessity.
China is a Comunist Dictadure, this the reaseon not to know this valuable information. A country with a weapon force as chineese one was unbelievable for ourd modern times. 600 millions of troops in war would mean the supremacy of China in fron of the res of the world.

Laporta 2010

Laporta is still the current president of FC Barcelon, but this is going to change on 2010, because he made a law which said that a president could only be president of FC Barcelon for eight years. It's for that reason that after his candidature has decided to spend all his time in a politic team with Catalonian nationalist ideas.
On Monday 1st of March Laporta activated his own webpage calle www.laporta2010.cat . The main aim of this webpage was to show the ideology, the medhod and the things he wants to do for Catalonia. The problem is that in the webpage Laporta didn't express clearly what he wants to do in the politic world.
Although this lack of information the webpage was collapsed, in one minute there were more than 6000 visitors, this means that every second 600 people visitted the webpage.
I don't know what is going to do Laporta, but I think that could earn lots of votes because of being the best Barça president of all times.

Pokemon! Catch'em all!!!

I know that it sounds strange that a boy of eighteen years old is attracted by Pokemon, but the truth is that since I restarted to play during the last year I haven't stopped.
Pokemon appeared on 1995 in Hapan and arrived to Europe several years later. First of all there were 151 pokemons, on 2001 appeared new versions of the videogames and the number of Pokemon increased to 251. By this time was when I stopped playing, but las year as I didn't study and I didn't do anything I began to play with the third generation of Pokemon videogames, which increased the number of capturable Pokemons to 386.
As I said, I haven't stopped to play and two months ago I bought NintendoDS to a friend and the Pokemon Platinium, the last Pokemon videogame which has appeared. In this new game there are 493 Pokemons, and obviouslu, I catch'em all!
Next year is goint to appear the 5th generation and I hope it will be as wonderful as the previous ones:D

My new PC

Yesterdat, at 7 o'clock a.m. I disconnected my PC and I put it on the car because in the evening I wanted to bring it to PC-System, the shop were I bought the computer, because I wanted to have the PC repaired.
When I arrived to the sop the boy from there took my computer, he opened it and he began to watch which was the problem. He arrived to the conclusion that my graphic target was literally burned, (I've played too much with my computer). The graphic target had been burneed because of the RAM memory, which wasn't as strong as the GT and this one had to work the double than normally. My PC was made piece by piece, and it only was two years old so the major part of the pieces inside were still from the best ones, so I decided to change my GT and my RAM for more modern ones.
The problem is that the RAM I wanted comes from Corea, and it won't arrive until the next week.

Problems until the las moment

Last week I remembered that on the 5th of March we had to have the and portfolio finnished, so I decided that on Friday I would begin to make the first posts.
Friday arrived and when I left the high school and I finnished my english lessons I went to my house, I opened my computer and.. it didn't work, everytime I have to do sometghing important I have problems, but for me the fact was that my PC didn't work, and the first and main question which came to my mind was: what am I going to do this weekend without my computer? The answer to this question arrived on Friday's night, when I went to the TV and I discovered that at night, well, late night, in some new TDT channels series of my childhood are emitted.
I've spent all the weekend watching TV, and you don't imagine how amazing but boring can be doesn't know what to do.