From my point of view I think I haven’t improved a lot, because when I began 1st batxillerat in 2007 I just had the same skill that I have now, it’s true that I’ve probably improved because I’ve had to do lots of entries in the blog, but in my opinion the level hasn’t changed a lot, because I don’t like work in the blog. It’s not that I don’t like, what it happens is that it’s an obligation for me, and when there’s something I have to do compulsory I do it badly, so my level hasn’t had the oportunity to improve because the work I’ve done it hadn’t been constant, I’ve always done the entries in the last days, so, in my opinion, my level hasn’t changed a lot.
Although it can seem that in some writings I’ve improved or I’ve decreased my level, it’s not true. My case is a strange one, I’m not a constant person, and depending on how I feel the day I had to work I did it better or worse.
What’s true is that I have improved in my orals, well, in fact I did it better in 1st batxillerat than in the two seconds, but this is because in 1st batxillerat I prepared them whereas now the only thing I did was making the Power Point and my orals were totally spontanious, without preparation. And what it really helped me was travell to London, this year I had to speak a lot because I was the only of my group with a minimum knowledge so I had to speak a lot.
The only aspect where I really think that I’ve improved is in listenings, I’ve always had problems in the listenings, it’s not that I had bad marks in the listenings but the average compared with the writings, the speakings or the readings was lower. I think it has helped a lot the fact that, apart from practicing, watching films in english. Firstly I did it in english with spanish or catalan subtitles, later with english subtitles and finally, without subtitles, and, as more films I watched better marks in listenings I had.
So, as I said, my improvements hasn’t come from things I’ve done in the blog, my improvements come from things I’ve done by pleaseure, or because there are things I like to do, as watching films.
Finally, I want to show an example of what has happened in my case, for example, my first letter to the teacher and my last composition, you will see that although the level could be a little bit lower in the first letter, it was more correct that my last writing, which has been the one with the worst mark I had in batxillerat.
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