divendres, 5 de març del 2010

"Gorgonas": The masters of fire

For some people when they hear the word "Gorgona" think in a mythologic monsters which looked lie a gelyfish, for other people this word doesn't mean anything, but for the cientific world, since now a Gorgona will be an extinted dinosaur which really had the abbility of producing fire.
During the 2007 a fossil of an extinted dinosaur which wasn't catalogated was found in Siberia under the glass. Well, the fact is that after repeating hundreds of times their investigations of the extinted animal, cientifics arrived to the conclusion that "gorgonas" were as an adult male african elefant size, their diet based in whatever they found of dead meat and they had the faculty of producing fire with their mouth closed to eliminated all the infections that the meat could have.
Well, since now when I think or read about dragons I'm not going to be so far from the reallity.

2 comentaris:

Pau Ubric ha dit...

Oh Adrià! thank you for this new information, because I was a person who didn't know about Goronas, I had not listened this word, so I can go to bed now, because I know a new thing! :)

KST TEACHERS ha dit...

Ok Adrià, that's a bit better than the first term..for the next, please, don't do it in the last minute!!!!
Where are your tasks??

" What seems nasty, painful, evil can become a source of beauty, joy, and strength, if faced with an open mind." Henry Miller
