dimecres, 19 de novembre del 2008

Memories of Idhun!

My favorite book is Memories of Idhun.
I like this book a lot because when you're reading it you can imagine the things as you like, you can feel like the main character, you can be feel like one of them, and you can imagine that it happens to you... I don't know.. it's very strange.
This book speaks of a boy and a girl who are created like human but they discover that they are of another world. The boy in truth is a dragon and the girl an unicorni. There is also another young boy which is a snkae with wings known as "Shek". Later there is a history of love between the two boys and the girl. Only they three will be able to save their world and to live peacefully, but this is very difficult because they have to fight against seven Gods.
This book is really exciting, incredible, beautiful.. it has two more books after that, but the first is without any doubt the best one.
I believe that I am one of the boys that I am of another world and that I have powers.. When I'm reading this book the time is stopped. I can spend hours reading.

I recommend this book for the people who likes imaginating and fantasy!=)