dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2008

The Last One of the Term

Hi guyS!
This is the last entry, so today I'm going to talk about my plants for the weekend. Today at night I'm goin to go with some friends to El Local, a bar from Figueres, there we drink something, but the best is that there're som persons playing music and singing, and when you're there, and you stay with your friends, drinking, the feeling of being with your friends.. the environment is the best one you can ever seen!
Well, tomorrow, as I've just finnished all my homework I'm going to study a little bit, and at the night I'm going to go to the bowling with other friends and after that we're going to go to El Local another time!XD
Finally, on Sunday, my grandparents will celebrate 50 years of being married with all the family, so they've invited us to dinner. And after the dinner, I'm going to study a lot, beacuse this week is The Week of the Exams!

1 comentari:

KST TEACHERS ha dit...

Come on guy, you can do it much better, add some pictures or videos,you've got the ideas, so let it go !!