dissabte, 17 de maig del 2008



Today I’m going to talk about SKINHEADS!

In 1960s in England appeared a social group known as MODS. Those were young people attracted by Elegant Clothes, Scooters and Violence.

At the same time Jamaica became independence, and lots of Jamaicans came to England to win money. With them also came another social group known as RUDE BOYS. Those were also young people attracted by elegant clothes and violence.

So there weren’t a lot of differences between them.

Those groups began to go together and they finally become the same one. But with the time appeared differences between MODS coming from rich families and MODS with humbler families. Those, whose clothes weren’t as elegant as other ones began to wear clothes more typical from workers like Steel Toe Boots or Shoulders Straps. And they also began to shave their heads. This is the moment first skinheads appeared, known as Skinheads from the 69. This is the origin of skinheads, and I think it’s a really interesting movement!