dijous, 26 de novembre del 2009

My 3 News

Growing Tension

Simon Newman says that a controversial solution is planned to meet the problem of Catalunya’s growing energy requirements. High-tension pylons are depicted in energy company advertisements as benign, animated giants striding across the countryside and bestowing the gift of clean power. However, detractors such as the citizens group No a la MAT (MAT stands Muy Alta Tension), them as an unnecessary scourge, environmentally damaging and the cause of a litany of health hazards.
MAT also alleges that high-tension networks are inherently inefficient, losing as much as 30 percent of their power when transferred over long distances.
The energy company REE (Red Electrica de España) disagrees. And they are the only feasible option since underground cables are only suitable for short distances, 40 km being the current record, in Japan.

Chupa chups lollipops are one of Catalunya's most popular esports.

In 1958, Catalan confectioner Enric Bernat invented the lollipop. The chupa-chups sold in 168 countries. The last millennium the family company Chupa chups was the pride of Catalunya and one of the best known Spanish businesses ever, with world-wide sales of 40,000 million.
Having started out as a heavy lollipop of 18 grams in 1970 the company also pioneered the use of real milk for the production od the production of the Strawberry Cream flavour in 1965.
There are also a lot of other flavour like cola, orange, 7UP,..

Scientist find coral forest off Cap de Creus.

Since two-years the scientists study in an underwater canyon off the coast of Girona’s Cap de Creus, which is one of the richest and most important marine ecosystems in the Mediterrani.

To study this area they have been using a mini-sub and the Institut de Ciencies el Mar discovered a zone where it was a great abundance of white coral.

The canyon is 80 km wide and descends 1400m. At 300m, the research team discovered dense forest of white coral, and they calculated to be as old a 100 years.

1 comentari:

KST TEACHERS ha dit...

Where did you take this news from?
What's the source? where is your opinion?
Remember that you cannot copy from the internet or from other older blogs you have!!
Come on Adrià, you can do it much better!!