dijous, 26 de novembre del 2009

First E-Mail

As this is the third time I have to write this opening course letter I’ve decided to do it about “Why did I choose “tree”?”

Well, as you said people who usually choose “tree” are very nationalist and they love their country, and this is what it happens to me.

I don’t know why, but firstly I wanted to choose “earth” and I think it wasn’t a bad option because I’m a little bit rude and aggressive, but when I saw that “tree” also appeared in the option’s list I was sure that that had to be my election, and as I could discover later I wasn’t wrong because it was the option that it was more involved with me because I’m that type of people that if they have to choose between travelling or staying in their country, or what’s more, in their town or city they choose the second one. And this is exactly what it happens to me, I don’t like moving a lot, to me the best place where I can stay is in the city where I live (Figueres) or the village where I grew up (Riumors).

I hope these points have been enough to answer the question “Why did I choose “tree”?”

1 comentari:

KST TEACHERS ha dit...

Try to organize your SPACE better for the next term, please!!
Varied topics and personal writing would improve your mark considerably!!!!!