dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

Wrestlemania 26!

Since 1985 WrestleMania is the most successful, longest-running professional wrestling event in the world. It is held annually in late March or early April. WrestleMania has become one of the most prominent events in sports entertainment. Wrestlemania has facilitated the rise to stadorm of wrestler as Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Steve Austin, The Rock, and Triple H, amongst others. Numerous celebrities such as Muhammad Ali, Mr. T, Alice Cooper, Donald Trump and others have participated or made special appearances in the events. Participation in a WrestleMania match, and especially the main event, is considered by many wrestlers and fans alike as one of the greatest achievements and symbols of professional success.

This year it's going to be the 26th edition of the most important event from WWE and from the wrestling world. It's said that as Wrestlemania 25 was not as exciting as it should have been, so this year WWE creatives told to the media that they are preparing a great surprise which will attract lots of people, in internet lots of people say that the event will be plenty of superstars from the nineties or that some retired superstars will come back to make their last match. I don't know what is going to take place, but I wish that is going to be quite better than last edition.