divendres, 7 de març del 2008

What a DaY!

Today... what can I say about today? So that it has been a great one:
The first class of the morning has been gymnastics, today it has been funny because I've laughed a lot with Lau and with her hits to the ball. After gymnastics I had informatic class, I haven't done a lot because all the work we had to do has been done by Xuki, my partner. After this we've gone to latin, which has like me a lot because we had to do a traduction and I've known how to do it!.
It was the break time so we've gone to El pUnt, and I've seen how people studied english, and when the breaktime has finished we've gone to do english exam, it wasn't extremely difficult but comparing with other exams we had done, it was a little bit difficult. I've finnished the exam when it still was a quarter to finnish the class, but I haven't give the exam to the teacher because I wanted to see my partners faces. Finally I've arrived to music class thirty minuts latter but I don't mind because.. because I prefered stay in english=)
And finally, but not less important, the best thing of all the day is that we have left an hour before the normal time, because Isabel, the literature teacher, is in Italy and we hadn't class.
So I wish that all of you have had a great day like me!