dissabte, 14 de març del 2009

Legends of Wrestlemania

Yesterday I talk about Wrestlemania 25, so today I'm going to talk about Legends of Wrestling, a videogame of new generation which will allow the player to use superstars from the last thirty years. Although it doesn't seem, this is great, it's great because in the rest of videogames WWE Company allways put current superstars, and didn't allow the player to use the best superstars: Legends of Wrestling.
But this is not all, in this videogame, if you had played with the las game of WWE: WWE: Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 Featurin ECW, you wiil be able to mixed matches with superstars from the passed and currend ones, making that Legends of Wrestlemania becomes one of the best wrestling videogames of all the times.

1 comentari:

Vito Andolini Corleone ha dit...

Great game adrià!
I want to see you as soon as better!