dijous, 26 de febrer del 2009

London: Second Day

The Second day of London travell began with all of us asleep. Dani and me didn't ete the breakfast of the hotel because we had to wait 2 minutes and we decided it was better to eat some food we had bought the day before.
Later we went to the Big Ben and some churchills arround the building. Then we went to St Jame's Park where live a lot of squirrels runing for the park. When we finnised the park we arrived to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guard, but, finally, we couldn't see it.
So we went to Trafalgar Square and we had free time until 6 o'clock more or less, because then we had to return to the hotel.
In the free time me and some people went to the Covent Garden where we visited a market and we ate a hot dog and an icecream.
Then, in the hotel, we ate something and we went to the bedrooms.